Information for consumers about British Wool Products

Chairman's Welcome To Graze - October

October welcomes the start of ‘Wool Month 2022’, which runs from 3rd to 31st October. This is a time to build national awareness for wool, join us across our social media platforms to celebrate this event which gains global coverage.

As we head into autumn we start to look forward to next year with tupping season already underway for many of you, ewes in some areas are on the leaner side according to reports. So here’s hoping we have a kind winter ahead. I always find it a good time to take stock of the previous year and although the weather has been challenging the lamb price has been reasonable. The breeding season sales are well under way with some good quality replacements achieving a decent return. We have seen an increase in manufactures wanting to use the British Wool Crook Mark on their products and now, more than ever crucial that we market our wool collectively so we can maximise returns.

Within this latest issue of Graze, read about the opportunity to join British Wool as a regional representative to act as a voice for our members.

We also review the three new shearing records that British Wool has sponsored this year.

There’s also an opportunity to read in detail about our consumer marketing activity that is planned for “Wool Week 2022”.